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SALSA Accredited Pest Control

SALSA Accredited Business?

Your food manufacturing, storage and distribution facilities are at risk for contamination.

As a SALSA accredited business you want to ensure that your SALSA (Safe and Local supplier Approved), accreditation is maintained by a reliable pest control company. Bioactive Pest Control can help you with this.

How Bioactive Pest Control Can Help You?

Our team has extensive experience in the implementation and maintenance of SALSA accredited pest control requirements. We also assist our clients with SALSA auditing.

We offer bespoke pest control services and prevention services that comply with current SALSA accreditation pest controls standards for the food manufacturing and packaging industries. We have an in-depth understanding of the strict audit processes and high standards safety and hygiene required to maintain SALSA certificate.

Our pest control technicians are highly trained and can deal with all pest problems. They will also advise you on the best practices and procedures to minimise the chance of pests entering your premises or infesting, contaminating or damaging stock. You can also be assured that your business is safe by being a member of tThe National Pest Technicians Association: NPTA, NADC, RSPH & COSHH.

Bioactive Pest Control offers pest control and management services to all type of businesses in all greater London areas including the SALSA accredited businesses.

If you need a pest control service that will ensure you remain SALSA accredited, contact us to request a quote

What Is SALSA?

Our services ensure your business maintains the SALSA accreditation

SALSA is recognised as the leading food safety certification scheme for the UK’s small food and drink producers. More than simply an audit standard, the Scheme offers a range of membership options, information resources and guidance as well as a strong support structure to take the supplier through to approval in achievable, affordable steps.

SALSA is a joint venture between three of the major trade associations representing the UK food chain:

  • The Food and Drink Federation (FDF)
  • The National Farmers Union (NFU)
  • UK Hospitality (UKH)

The Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) moderates the Scheme on behalf of the joint venture owners.

Section 1 - Perquisite Pest Control

1.9 Pest Control

1.9.1 All premises shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as to minimise the risk of pest infestation.

1.9.2 The services of a competent pest control operator shall be contracted for the regular inspection and treatment of premises. The frequency of inspections shall be clearly defined and reflect the activities of the site, and shall be reviewed at least annually.

1.9.3 The location of all pest control measures shall be identified on a plan/diagram of the site and reviewed at least annually.

1.9.4 Inspections shall be at regular intervals. Inspection records shall be kept to include details of any pest activity and pest control treatments undertaken at individual pest control points and actions taken in meeting recommendations made by the pest control operator / contractor.

1.9.5 Results of pest control inspections shall be assessed and analysed for trends at least annually. Where trends are identified, corrective action(s) shall be taken to eliminate further risk to product safety.

1.9.6 Baits and other materials such as insecticide sprays or fumigants shall be applied and used according to the documentation on their safe use, which shall be held on site.

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